Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Are the childfree more comfortable with their own company?

I grew up an only child and not only did I learn to be social and how to make friends everywhere I went, but I also learned how to enjoy my own company. Do you think that people who are childfree are more comfortable with the idea of being by themselves when they need to be?Are the childfree more comfortable with their own company?
Eh, that can go either way. I don't think it's a sibling that influences one's developmental progress, but rather the parents. Clingy parents tend to yield clingy children, and the thought of leaving home often terrifies kids like this. Having an older sibling whom the younger one sees going away to college, and getting a degree, and getting a job can have a really good affect on the younger sibling, because it gives them something to live up to, which is perfectly healthy. I guess what I'm trying to say is, since siblings tend to have their own lives anyway, having a sibling has minimal influence on one's sociality, and it rather depends on one's personality.

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