Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why are childfree people so selfish?

My sister is childfree and she is the most selfish person I have ever meant. Children are so wonderful and sweet, how can anyone decided to forgo the unconditional love they give. Any ideas on how I can convince her to have children? She is going to be miserable and alone for her whole life. When ever I bring up the topic, we just argue, how can I make her understand that I'm right and she need to have children before it is too late.Why are childfree people so selfish?
I don't think it is your place to tell her to have children, even though you may love them all. Not everyone want to have kids and this is their right. Also maybe she has tried and can't have them for some reason. I don't find childless couples to be selfish and in fact many of them are very selfless and devote their time to other charities and functions in the world. Either way, both choices are very difficult to make.Why are childfree people so selfish?
I'm 13 and I decided I would be childfree for the rest of my life and I think that you shouldn't try to convince your sister to have kids. It's her decision not yours, and it's not right to pressure someone into having kids. What if she decided to listen to you and ended up being miserable and hating her kids? Children should be wanted and be brought into a loving environment. Also, who says just because a person doesn't have kids that means they'll have a miserable and lonely life? If someone finds someone they love truly, that may be all they need in their life. Plus, if she does find a partner or if she already has one she can give her unconditional love to them or she might've already given some to your parents. So, all in all, let your sister decide if she wants to have children of her own or not. And personally, I don't think childfree people are selfish, to me people who don't bring unwanted kids are not selfish and my book.Even if SOME are selfish, who cares as long as they're not hurting anybody. Your kids might be enough for your sister to give her love to. Oh and if you say your sister is selfish why would you want her to have children, that's just stupid.
not all childfree people are selfish and no your not right you can't make her have kids because you want her to that's her body secondly although she's your sister you don't know her reasons for not wanting kids third you can get unconditional love from a dog fourth if it do gets to be too late ADOPTION.

the choices we make are not based on just not wanting kids there's reasons and if you would stop trying to live her life and live your own and just be her sister maybe she'd sat down and explain to you what's going on with her
That sounds quite presumptuous of you to assume your sister is selfish because she has no kids. My husband and I have been married for 6 years, and we have no kids... do you think that I'M selfish?!

I absolutely ADORE children, especially my nieces and nephews. They're the most important people in my life and I love them more than anyone else I've ever known. Just because she doesn't have kids right now, doesn't mean she never will. Maybe she wants to wait a bit more and have some free time with her husband before she settles down and have a family. Just because someone loves kids, doesn't mean they need to get pregnant the MINUTE they get married. I understand you love your sister and want her to be okay and want her to be able to have children, but you can't ';CONVINCE'; her to start a family. That decision is between her and her husband and has nothing to do you with you. You have to respect her decision and let her live her own life. How would you feel if your sister tried to convince you/force you to have another baby?
The same question could be turned around on the people who have children. Why are people with children so selfish as to think that the people in society who don't have children, do not want children, should be disrupted by the people who think their little angels are a joy to the rest of the world, i.e. trying to have a nice dinner out and having to deal with the terrible little monster who runs up and down the isle of the rest. screaming, throwing food, etc...
Youve got to be kidding. Almost 7,000,000,000 humans on the planet, with selfish people making more all the time just so they can gush over how ';wonderful'; and ';sweet'; they are, and you want to convince someone to make more? This planet needs more humans like a drowning man needs a glass of water.

Think of the planet's wildlife and stop being so selfish.
Perhaps it is just your sister. Also, keep in mind that people are varied. Meaning, different people have different opinion about life and about children. Perhaps she thinks children are annoying, but other may think differently.

A way to convince her is to maybe bring children home? perhaps your children? or friends who have children?
you are not right.

lot's of people should not have kids. look at all the child abusers there are in this world.

she does not want kids and she knows it. who are you to say she will grow old and alone and unhappy because she did not pop out a kid???

at least she is grown up, intelligent and knows her own mind, that is more than i can say for you.
There are people who really do not care to have children for whatever reasons. They are entitled to their opinion and they are free to do whatever they like. There is no right or wrong here. There are many people with children who should not have had them.
Or maybe you're selfish for wanting to make your sister have children..? just saying..

Let her be. She may change her mind on her own someday, she may not, it is her decision. Don't judge her so harsh, she's your sister.
some peolpe know they dont want doesnt mean shes selfish. i'm not really sure how you can connect the two. just leave her alone. really you sound like the selfish one by judging her by your desires and standards.
You're joking, right? If you're not, you are what childfree people refer to as a ';breeder.';
Not everyone wants children, it is a personal choice. Just because you love having children, doesn't mean your sister would love it too. You should let her choose what she wants in her life
It is her choice. She can enjoy a lot of other aspects of life that people with children cannot. I think it's more selfish when people have children without being ready for them.
You sound incredibly selfish to be trying to tell her how to live her life. Why not worry about your own?
who's being selfish respect her wishes, if she doesn't want any thats her choice, not everyone is cut out for it.
OMG what is up with people today?
In todays society many people are choosing not to have children and you are right it is one of the most selfish decisions anyone can make. Most couples do not want to give up their freedom for children but if they only knew how much more complete their lives would be with children. Im not sure what you can do to make her see before it too late but just keep on talking to her about it. Dont stop mentioning it...dont argue just talk! Hopefully she will come to her senses!
You're right, people who dont want to have children are very selfish. Thats what God intended... i hate when i see catholic preists... they look so lonley because they dont have a family of their own to love and when their parents die, then they'll be alone...

But anyway, tell your sister that she will regret not having children, she will end up like the preists...

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