Saturday, January 23, 2010

For those of you who prefer to be childfree indefinitely...?

1) Has your family ever criticized you just because you don't want kids?

2) If your family criticized you, what did you do to get them off your back?

3) If you met a girl/guy who wanted kids and you liked her/him very much, would you convince her/him not to have kids?

4) Is it hard to find someone who likes to be childfree indefinitely as well?

5) If you told your parents you didn't want kids, did they turn your words around, like saying you'll have them one day?

6) Did people call you selfish just because you prefer to be childfree?

7) If you were to have sex with your spouse, what would you do to keep from getting pregnant?

8) If your parents wanted you to have kids, would you reject their decisions and remain childfree anyway?

9) Would life be easier with or without children in your life?For those of you who prefer to be childfree indefinitely...?
These are excellent, well-thought out questions. I gave you a star. :-) However, you would be better posting your question in a different area other than pregnancy, where many posters are or want to be pregnant. I suggest polls, psychology or sociology.

1) Has your family ever criticized you just because you don't want kids?

No. I never told them I don't want kids. I kept those views to myself and never had them.

2) If your family criticized you, what did you do to get them off your back?

I would have told them, ';If you want kids, YOU are welcome to have them.

3) If you met a girl/guy who wanted kids and you liked her/him very much, would you convince her/him not to have kids?

No. Their view on kids would have been a dealbreaker.

4) Is it hard to find someone who likes to be childfree indefinitely as well?

No, I know lots of people who are childfree with no intention of having children. My fiance, for example.

5) If you told your parents you didn't want kids, did they turn your words around, like saying you'll have them one day?

I told them that when I was a child and that's exactly what they said!

6) Did people call you selfish just because you prefer to be childfree?

I don't think they have.

7) If you were to have sex with your spouse, what would you do to keep from getting pregnant?


8) If your parents wanted you to have kids, would you reject their decisions and remain childfree anyway?

Absolutely. Parents wanting grandchildren is a dumb reason to have kids.

9) Would life be easier with or without children in your life?

Based on many of my friends' and acquaintences' kids, life is MUCH easier without children in my life. There are even complications with the good kids (as opposed to someone's kid I know who robbed an expresso stand and another who threw a wild party when mom was out of town at which mom's jewelry was stolen.) My 14 year-old nephew for example, who is a great kid, fell off his skateboard and broke his arm. He was told not to get back on his skateboard until his arm healed. He got back on his skateboard, fell off, and broke his other arm while breaking his fall. So the kid had 2 broken arms at the same time. Life with kids gets complicated for many reasons a couple of them being: kids misbehaving and getting sick or injured. Life even gets complicated for friends and relatives with adult children. A guy I know married a woman with two girls. One of the girls grew up to become a drug addict and have several children with several fathers. Guess who is taking care of the children? It's stepdad.For those of you who prefer to be childfree indefinitely...?
1-yes, they have criticized me

2- I either ignore them, or use some smart-*** comment

3-I ended up breaking up with a man that I loved very much because he wanted children; Unfortunately, it's really difficult to compromise on this issue. Now I'm married to a man who shares my beliefs

4- yes, it was difficult to find somebody

5- yes, and it's extremely annoying

6- yes. I think breeders are much more selfish; Ever heard of overpopulation?

7- I have and IUD

8- It's not their decision, it's my decision. I understand that they might be hurt, but it's not up to them

9- I like my life as it is- I can give 100% in my workplace.

I spend money on whatever I want without having to worry about college funds; I can have loud sex in the kitchen or walk around naked whenever I feel like it. I can take weekend trips.

My abs look good in a bikini. So, I guess it's easier this way.
  • bella cosmetics
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