Friday, January 15, 2010

Anyone else getting sick of some stuckup childfree?

I am so mad today!!! I am sick of selfish childfree people calling mothers breeders and moos and calling our children sprogs and brats. They seem to think that they are so superior to parents, and I just saw something on tv about now they want to ban children from some restaurants on certain days! Not like fancy ones either, like TGI Fridays and stuff! For cryin out loud, children are a part of this world and you have to deal with it. They will never know they joy children bring all because they are too scared to give birth or too selfish to share their lives with anyone. I just don't like the way they judge, and I'm starting to develop my own opinions about them too. I secretly think they are kinda jealous. But I would never just rag on thir lifestyle, not unless I was provoked, which I was today!Anyone else getting sick of some stuckup childfree?
This is the second time you've posted this exact same rant. If you hate being judged so much, stop judging people without kids. I'm hardly jealous, if I wanted kids I could have them it's not rocket science. The most basic organism on the planet can reproduce. I'm not scared of giving birth. If childbirth is the most pain you've ever experienced in your life, consider yourself lucky. Women have babies everyday, so what. Just because I don't have kids doesn't mean I don't share my life with anyone. Can you say the same? Do you see anyone outside of your family? Do you still see friends you knew in highschool on a regular basis? I still see mine, well the ones without kids that is, the others can never make it because they are tied down by their kids. It's a CHOICE, you want kids good for you, i don't want any it doesn't make me a bad person.

What about responsible parents who are trying to enjoy some couple time and pay a sitter so that they may enjoy an evening without their kids in a restaurant only to find that some inconsiderate person has brought their loud obnoxious undisciplined child to the restaurant they chose? I imagine that would be very disappointing and irritating for them.

The simple fact is that some kids are annoying. And you know that's true. If you're so into family values why are you taking your kids to a restaurant to eat.Anyone else getting sick of some stuckup childfree?
Jennifer you just seem very angry and bitter. It's unfortunate that you have reproduced, now even more of that ugly hatred will be spread around.

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OK - this is just obnoxious

I dont care if children are out in about and lets face it most parents arent bringing any children to ';chez overpriced';.

Now I am childless, by choice and I am in no way jealous.

Why would I be I chose this. I have nieces, yup they are cute, at my brothers house. I have never ever wanted to be a mom - even my Barbies skipped out on babies.

I dont judge you for having children dont judge me for not. I am happy you have what you want. I personally dont even think I would be a good mother, hell my mother was not a fan of raising kids and says if she had been born in another time she wouldnt have.

Its has nothing to do w getting fat or not leaving me enough time to do whatever you think us selfish people do all day. I dont want one plain and simple, never have never will - there are enough people on earth anyhow. Think of it this way the more of us that dont have kids the more you can have w/out having to feel guilty to adding to the overpopulation problem!
That's funny, I haven't personally come into contact with anything like that (I thought ';breeders'; was a term homosexuals use to describe heterosexuals). They certainly shouldn't be allowed to impose ';child-free'; days on any commercial business--and judging by the stark nonexistence of child-free establishments (other than bars), I'd say that business owners are smart enough to know the way to make a buck is not to alienate familes. How funny.
I like what you said about not ragging on their lifestyle unless you were provoked. What you fail to realise is that people without kids are provoked by people with them all the time, almost constantly.

You may not be one of them, but there are many parents who believe that parents should be catered to and given special treatment because they have kids. It's true. A perfect example, for anyone who follows the news, is that 3 year old girl that wouldn't behave on the airplane, delaying the filght, so they kicked her and her parents off the plane. The parents were outraged, but they had no right to be. They already held up the flight 15 minutes, and they expected the airline and the 112 other passengers to drop everything and give them time to get control of their kid.

You said: ';They will never know they joy children bring all because they are too scared to give birth or too selfish to share their lives with anyone.'; Well, really, having a child is the most selfish thing you can possibly do. If you wanted to be really altruistic, why not adopt. These are children that are already born, and need a home. It's because people want their own children, who have their genes. They want kids that look like them. That's selfish, and there's nothing wrong with being selfish, as long as you have the intellectual honesty to admit it.

So, try to look at it from the other side. People who don't have kids don't have kids because they don't want to have to put up with all the things that go with them. Can you blame them for wanting to enjoy a meal out without a baby crying in their ear, or a toddler running around the table?

Being a parent is a lifestyle choice, just like not being one is. One shouldn't be favored over the other. Right now, parents are favored in many ways and many times it's hard for members of the favored group to see the inequity.
I can see a lot of peoples points. I am the mother of a 2-1/2 year don't tell me that I don't know what I am talking about. I have watched parents with their children in a restaurant. ITs abominable!! They let tehir children run wild, and disturb other patrons...that is not acceptable. MY son has his moments, but then I remove him from the situation. We talk that he needs to behave, and he does his best. I make sure that he has a few quiet toys, or a book to read. We do pretty good. People need to start making their children behave when in public then they wouldn't be slagged so much.
Lady when will you learn. We don't have to love your bad *** kids. You have a 13 month old that wont talk probably cause he don't wanna talk to you. I certainly don't, you hate and think people want your life. I don't have to accept your lame life nor do I want to. You probably are in a sad marriage where your cheated on, have kids so you won't leave, let them see all that and then on the outside say ';how happy am I'. I have a minivan and a house and a cute husband who does not sleep with me, but I'm a good mom with bad *** kids I don't discipline. Don't you want my life? Why do people hate my children? Ask your friends sometime. I am sure they will tell you. Take your kids and shove them. While your at it, shut your mouth, no one cares.

I love my life. I have love. I have freedom and I do me. Don't you wish you were me? Haha, you can't be. There is some hate for you. Be careful who you hate lady.
I'm childfree and have no problem with responsible parents who raise their kids to have respect for others and themselves.

I have a problem with parents who are scared to discipline their kids when they get out of line, who allow their kids to be nuisances, especially in public places like movie theaters and restaurants, who are too permissive and give in every time their kids want something, who will run over other parents and authority figures like teachers and the police to make sure their kids get their way, who do not think about all the costs and sacrifices before they bring a child into the world, then whine about how hard it is to raise them, who abuse their children, then turn around and complain about how the childfree act ';superior'; (when some parents act like they are kings and queens just because they had kids) and are selfish and assume all childfree people hate children without considering all of the reasons why someone may not have wanted to be a parent.

Oh, yes, I loved Sadie's response, too. Consider that we get sick of parents thinking of us as being abnormal because we don't want kids.
If parents would discipline their children, and not let them run wild then other's would not consider them brats. It's the parent's fault, not the kids. When parents let their kids get away with murder, what are others without children to think? Just because a kid is a kid doesn't mean that kid should have free reign over everything. If more parents kept their children in line, and not let them go over the line of desency then most people would not have problems with problem children.
One I have children ,and the reason they are wanting to ban children from restaurants because people who call themselves parents do not make their children behave in public, you have mommy dearest sitting at the table counting 1..2...3...4..while their little angel is at other peoples table interrupting their meal , crawling under tables while mommy is going on 7...8,...9..

and no NO you stupid person NOBODY HAS TO DEAL WITH YOUR UNRULY UNCONTROLLABLE CHILDREN ... If you were a real parent you would have taught your children how to act decent while out in society , society will put them in a time out when they are older it is called Prison....if you can not control your children then you should be required by law to keep them out of public ... AND why do you refer to your children as kids kids are reference to baby goats .and No...children are not a part of society they did not ask for any of this You could not control yourself but yet you thought you could control a child ... they only become a part of society when they become a respectful contributing member of society and they do that by having parents who can control and train their children ..children are something you brought in to society , they have no rights until age 18 when they become an adult..that is why you are responsible for them until then...unless you believe the demoncrats that believe it takes a community to raise a child (Hillary ) that is B***S**T it takes a Parent to rear ,and trian their children to be responsible, decent human beings.. talk is cheap ...11,12..,13...14... BUST that young one's a** and he will mind , I have only had that problem ONE hear me ONE TIME with all three of mine ,,when I was done blistering that a** I have never had that problem again...and I am not going to count to 3 either , I do not compromise with kids ..';oh honey if you stop I will get you ice cream '; oh hell no , and because you fail to disipline ,and train your little devil children , I can not take my kids out to eat when mine are well mannered.....How dare you take away from me ,and my children by having us kicked out of good places to eat is not my fault you're failing as a parent ..

SADIE..allow me to say this to your words ..You are recieving a standing ovation from me ... well said..
Okay I work in childcare and I have no children so I see both ways especially with my friend's kid. We went to a restraint and it was 11 but she was tired early and my friend didn't realize it until 15 minutes into the order and her kid was screaming, climbing over and under the booth, hitting elderly people in the head and pulling their hair, throwing silverware and other objects, banging the glass window, crying, screaming, and when the food came she hit the food on the plates and somehow knocked the table over and it all fell on the floor. The kid was 2. I had never been so humiliated in all my life. My friend wouldn't let me help with anything and just kept whispering, no. stop, sit down please don't. My friend didn't want to leave. I've learned my lesson that when something gets like that I need to leave. It's a shame people like my friend ruin it for other people. Parents should know their children's limits and know their schedule. If the child sleeps at noon every day then going to eat at 11 and having to wait 25 minutes for food it maybe too much. Maybe plan activities to do with your child in public when your child is well rested and healthy. 9pm is too late for a toddler to be walking around the mall and 6am is too early for a child too. Children get board easily and waiting 25-45 minutes for food when they are hungry can be a real challenge.
I do like kids. I don't have any, but I can see the point about kids and restaurants. I have often tried to enjoy a meal at a restaurant had out of control kids at the next booth. It ruins your meal. I don't want kids banned from restaurants, but I do wish there was a kids section. if it were up to me, my ideal restaurant environment would have smoking banned entirely and have the former smoking section designated as the kids section.

I just think some parents need to have more control over their kids. Kids get away with a lot of crap these days.
I still stick with my original answer.
Oh, the audacity of some people who actually want to enjoy a meal without having to listen to a screaming child whose parents refuse to quiet it or tripping over massive strollers the size of a small car! I am tired of parents who think the world should cater to them simply because they have kids.

Honey, I am childfree and let me tell you, I am NOT jealous! Not of stretch marks, not of money wasted on babysitting and diapers, not of running around haggard, not of having no sleep, not of not having any time with my husband, I could go on and on.

And just as you are tired of being called a breeder, etc., childfree people are sick of being called selfish and scared. Motherhood is not for everyone, and I applaud the women who don't have children for whatever reason rather than bring them into the world just because ';everyone's doing it'; and then end up abusing or neglecting them.
Trust me sweetheart, I am not jealous of having to cart a litter of kids around with me where ever I go. Not everyone enjoys the sound of germ-spreading kids running amuck screaming and yelling all the time while their parents do nothing to stop it cause instead of disciplining the kid theyve learned how to tune the NOISE out. You should've thought more before you had kids it sounds like you're really bitter about not being free to do what you want anymore.

Don't judge people if you don't wanna be judged.
Hmmmm. ';sprogs'; - funny
Must be only the people you know because the childfree couples I know don't look at their friends who have children that way. We all respect each other's choices here. I don't think making generalized blanket statments about a group of people you have had obviously limited contact with is right. Since you don't know every single childfree couple on the planet you really have nothing to stand on to make such a blanket statement.
Sorry, but bad kids do suck.
yes those people are extraordinarilly obnoxious... I mean, great for you, you don't want kids, NO ONE CARES! And it's NONE of their business to rag on people who do have children!! Ironic, because they were kids once themselves and they are someone's child.
I think it's stupid that they want to ban kids from restaurants. Here's a thought for the people in charge of restaurants; Grab your pair, and go and kick out the parents with the unruly kids, and don't try to keep ALL parents with their kids from entering your restaurant just because you can't find your empty sac and re-fill it.
My step mom is one of those people. She won't talk to me because I didn't have an abortion or decide to give my baby up for adoption. she thinks I need to get a job and not raise a kid. It's ridiculous!
I totally agree with you! People only say things like that to make their own meaningless existences seem better, and to convince themselves they aren't missing anything. To them I say: Until you look into the face of the child you have carried in your own belly for 9 months, or seen that smile made just for you, or had the call out for you above all others, or been told I love you by your 2 yr old, or felt the true warmth in a hug from your own child, or seen, with great joy, that same child that threw a tantrum just minutes ago hug another child and tell them they love them when the other child gets hurt or in trouble, Don't you dare tell me that my JOB(?!) or my child or myself are worthless! Because if it weren't for people like me who have children, where would you be? Do you think you just happened into existence? NO!

Sorry for the rant, but I too am a Momma bear and no one will tell me that my child can't go somewhere or is unwelcome in this world! They are gifts from God and should be treated as such!
We can all laugh at them when they are like 50 with a 5 year old and we are about to go away for a week !
I don't have kids,but I do plan on it...That is crazy!!!Banning kids for resturants?Now I agree some kids need to be taught some manners but banning them?Thats just wrong!

To the person that answered before me....I don;t think she ment it the way you took it.
What the heck is a sprog?

Well I am a ';moo'; of a four month old ';sprog'; apparently...and all I have to say about it is ...

They are CLUELESS.

I used to be one of those idiots in starbux giving the poor desperate mom with the screaming baby, dirty looks cause she just can't ';shut that kid up';...

I have recently given birth to my first child...and there is no greater joy in life. NONE.

I revel in it...I love it. All of it. The sleepless nights, the barf, the poopy diapers all of it is worth it for just one toothless grin on my sons face.

Take heart mama...they don't know what they're missing..and although having been there myself in know ...they aren't ';secretly jealous';...but they would be if they had a clue as to what they were missing out on.

We are luckier than they no matter how superior they may think they are.

Give the moms a's a lot of work, we're tired, some of us haven't eaten a meal sitting down in months...And ya...those of us that let our kids scream and don't excuse ourselves to quiet our kids in private are wrong...but we're not all like that. There have been many occations that my son and I sit in the car while daddy finishes dinner with the rest of the fam at the table...Not all of us ';just let them scream';

And all you ';childfrees'; thumbs down me all you want...not everyone is cut out for kids...maybe you're not selfless enough or mature enough...but you ARE missing out on the greatest joy in question and no doubt in my mind...I used to be one of you and I thought like you and now I KNOW...I was dead wrong.
I went out to dinner with three of my lady friends and of course my three year old tagged was a lot of fun. He sat in a booth for almost an hour and played at the table as us ladies were chatting. The restaurant was nearly empty so there were plenty of seats away from us. BUT this couple came and sat in the booth right behind us. Of course my son who had just about enough of the girl convo stood up in the booth and looked behind him. he did not say anything, he did not do anything, he just looked. The lady then got out of her seat and came around to us and asked if we could please move to a different table OR leave! I looked at her and laughed! Actually we all did! I told her that my son was not going to change his age just because of her presence but she could on the other hand move to a vacant table on the other side of the restaurant. I am not one to always stand up for that night was brilliant!
I agree. My husband and I plan on having children and I plan on giving my husband's ex wife who is unable to have kids a few children. I can't believe women who choose not to have children think children are brats. I don't agree with women who don't want to get pregnant because they are too worried about their figure. It sickens me. I can not believe women would want children banned from restaurants. It seems selfish to me.

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