Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why do people think that childfree people are immature and selfish?

I am not sure. Perhaps jealously. I know a lot of Child-Free people. Most of us are pretty quiet about it.

Keep in mind, that most people who have children secretly wished they would have put some thought into it first.Why do people think that childfree people are immature and selfish?
I don't think that all childfree people are immature and selfish. But, some are. Some parents are, too.

Look at the answers to this question, asking the childfree why they don't want to have children:鈥?/a>

Or, look at any other place online where people discuss why they want to be childfree. Most of those answers indicate that the person's reason for not having children is because they don't want to take on the responsibility of children, don't want to share the attention of their spouse, don't want to share their money/time with a child, don't want to ruin their health or body by having children, want to be able to travel whenever they want, want to be able to go out partying, are afraid they would miss the adult conversations about things other than parenting, etc.

I can't see anything mature or unselfish in any of those reasons.

But, I know many childfree people %26amp; fully support their choice to be childfree. I would never want them to take on parenting due to societal pressure or even because *I* told them how much I loved doing it. Children deserve parents that are 100% happy being parents. My childfree friends deserve to live the lives that they choose, too.

Finally, I do need to say that, any romantic relationship with another adult - no matter how committed - cannot even begin to compare with the 24/7 responsibility of caring for, guiding and teaching a child.Why do people think that childfree people are immature and selfish?
Personally, I don't think these people are immature and/or selfish. It's a choice of your lifestyle, and they have the rights to choose lives without children.

I guess the reason that people think childree people are immature and selfish probably relates to culture. People get married, form a family, and have kids. It's something that most people do. So when a small group of people decide not to have kids, others think these people are weird/strange. Then things like ';they are just immature and/or selfish'; come up. Afterall, we are all entitled to voice our opinions. I know in certain situations these people get pressured by peers or family members, and it turns ugly.
Nope. Not unless they go out of their way to brag about vacations to the French Riviera, a second BMW, or a 4Th Dooney %26amp; Bourke handbag, just for the sake of being a show-off. Bad manners is bad manners. It's a sure fire way to spend every holiday alone for the rest of your child-free life!

I have a cousin who decided when she and her husband married to be child free. The reasons are personal and to envolved to get into here. But they are hands-down everyones favorite dinner guests, God-parents, and secret source of envy. Because they went our of their way to be just another couple...who just so happens to not have kids!
i don't at all. Its your choice not have kids, and its my choice to have them. But there are some people out there think this way cuz they think that the only reason we exist is pop out kids and raise them.
I don't really think it's anyone else's business if a couple decides not to have children - or in some cases can't have kids.

And sometimes it's best that they don't have children - if they don't like kids or are more into their careers than they would be raising children then it's more unselfish than it is selfish.
I think it's because people feel the need to put down other people.

I know enough childfree people to know that they do a lot for others and chose a different path. How can you fault a scientist for focusing on her career? Or a couple who lack the patience needed to raise a child? Yes, there are some childfree people who are ostentatious, but they sure don't have the market on that.
i think its when people flaunt it like its the best thing in the sister doesnt have any children and sometimes i worry about her because i dont want her to be alone. and life is so much better with children if the times right.and i think people only think its selfish when those people are like i have this size house ,this new car, this gadget, blah blah blah
Why do you ASSume that all people think that childree people are immature and selfish? Some of us don't. I figure that whether to have children or not is the decision of the couple. If you have problems with your families/friends accepting your choice as a married couple then you need to take this up with them and stop blaming the entire world.
I don't think that. I have a lot of friends who have decided not to have kids. Heck, my kids are all grown and gone now and I tell them if I could go back in time, I would skip having them and jump straight into being a Grandmother. In all honesty as much as I love my children and my husband, I have on occasion found myself feeling envy when I see friends with no ties living a hassle free life with lots of money saved up. I wouldn't change anything even if I could, but I surely do understand those people who choose not to have children.
I wasn't aware that people saw those without children as immature and selfish until I got on Yahoo Answers. Seriously, I'm more used to hearing comments such as, ';Why do people have children they can't afford';, and ';It's unfortunate there are so many unwanted children in the world';.

I don't like seeing people make judgments about other people's kids when they may not even know the situation, but its even more disturbing that there are people who believe everyone should be a parent. Some people genuinely enjoy their life without kids, and I don't think its selfish at all to make decisions according to what you want rather than what other people may want for you.
Because they are?
I don't think they are immature. But I think they are selfish to a point. If you can't sacrifice yourself completely and live outside of yourself for another person then yes, you are selfish.

But it's not a bad thing. I think it's wonderful that childless people have made the choice to not have children. The worst thing is a parent who doesn't love his or her children.

On the other hand there are countless parents who still don't live outside of themselves. Shameful.

Technically, marriage SHOULD be living outside of yourself, but most people think it's 50/50. It's not. It's 100 % your side no matter what the other spouse does.

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