Wednesday, January 13, 2010

In your mind, what are the long term benefits of being childfree?

A person gets to choose whether he/she wants to be a parent or not. The number of people choosing to be childfree is increasing in the present than in the past.In your mind, what are the long term benefits of being childfree?
A lot more time and money at your personal disposal at your whim.

But, the assorted urges, both biological and societal, to build new little people seem to outweigh these in the majority of cases.

I hear few people with children say they wish they had been childless, but do hear people without them who wish they had them for the grandchildren.In your mind, what are the long term benefits of being childfree?
There are millions of parentless children out there.

Anyone who purposefully conceives is being selfish by denying another child care. How can you really raise your child to be the best person they can be when you are indirectly hurting someone?

Not having children is one of the best things you can do for the environment, for the economy, and for the human race right now.

I am 43 and childfree. I have many stamps in my passport. I can go on vacations unencumbered, almost whenever I like. I own a Rolex. I pay no child support. I never have to be bothered with a will, because it makes no difference were my estate is going. I have never changed a diaper. I get up whenever I want. I walk around my house nude. I never have to hire a baby-sitter. I have little debt. I love it! I have the good life. Everyone else that I know who is childfree feels the same way.

Women over 40 are usually all done raising children. I had a vasectomy. As an unencumbered male, I am a much better dating candidate form their point of view.


People will treat you like crap over it. Often the families of anyone you date will call you communist, gay or whatever.
I think there are benefits for some people. some people just genuinly aren't interested in starting a family. less responsibility. less to worry about. you can live for yourself. more money to spend. probably an all-round easier life.

for some women the changes in their body might be seen as a terrible thing, so not having a child stops that. but i suppose that's not really long term as all our bodys change.
I can say that children are very expensive from day one. If you are not financially able to support yourself plus a child at the moment, you should not even be considering this and should maintain your current lifestyle, otherwise having a child when you are not financially ready will be a burden to you and the child will suffer.

I have a 13 year old boy and a 18-month old girl, and they are worth every single dollar.
My sister and her husband chose not to have children. My sister, for some reason was afraid she wouldn't be a good mother. Don't know why my bro-in-law decided with her. Anyway, they have a good marriage, from all appearances and now they are near retirement and can travel and visit other people with children, but go home to peace and quiet. Don't know if they are any happier than people with children, but they seem to enjoy their time together.
Life is much less expensive. Over the years, children are very expensive. Add it up.

Freedom to move, go and come, at will.

Freedom from the worry of a parent. And the many potential disappoints, like, say, the teen years.

Easier to get and stay close to a mate. (Later this can be a good or a bad thing!)

Missing a lot of boring school presentations!

But I am a parent and it is one of the best experiences in life I've had, in spite of the difficulties.
Health benefits to my body.........

Stress of worry always once you have children you worry how they will turn out.........

Freedom to do many things that having a family might weigh me down with time shopping after work for hours etc..........

I think when you decide to have children or even adopt children to give them a good home you must be completely selfless...I think being a parent is the hardest job in the world and I bless and respect the good parents in this day and age of our society for it is not easy...I give them all credit today :)))Maybe one day I will have a family I would be a great MOM :)))))))))))
Some people say that kids keep you young. Those people are full of crap. If you don't have kids, you get to cater to yourself instead of other people. You save a lot of money and have a lot less heartache because you're not constantly worrying about your kid. You have more time to pursue things you want to do. For a lot of people, that means traveling, focusing on a great career, you name it. If you're a woman, you don't ruin your figure. It's just better all around.
Kids are arguably one of the largest investments you'll ever make, financially, emotionally, time, effort etc. For all that you get a very unique payback.

For some people they feel it's better to invest their life in something else.

Many are happy with either choice, it's just a question of what type of life you wish to live.
Keeping my mental health. Seriously, if I'd had kids I'd be in the loony bin by now.

Another one is having a better chance of being financially secure into your old age. Kids are dang expensive.
well your genes.. will stop !

thats about it..

besides all the more ';freedom'; and time you will have to yourself..

as for benefits.. . they are good for the planet.. less reliance on its resources.
No child support funds and less stress.
  • philosophy
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