Sunday, January 17, 2010

Childfree women and satisfied?

Can you identify with this? I don't plan on changing my mind about deciding to have biological children. But sometimes... I feel like my body WANTS to be pregnant. It's annoying! (And hard to explain)

I can relate to the whole 'biological clock' thing. But why should a clock tick if you aren't even wearing a watch?

Was this a struggle for you?Childfree women and satisfied?
Only once.

When my first love wanted to have kids even though he'd always said he didn't want any.

After we'd been together a couple of years, he got serious about it and said he'd definitely changed his mind, he was hoping I'd ';come around'; to the idea.

I did think about it, I was very scared to lose him, but obviously it's a fleeting thought, that's a horrible reason to have a child.

I'm one who has just always known I'd never be a Mother. Just never desired it.

Being in love makes me think what our kids would look like, if they'd be like us, that it's a beautiful and romantic *idea* over all for people to be completely in love and create a child...but never in the sort of way that made me question whether *I* wanted to do it myself, yanno?

It's a sweet idea, but it's not something I want for myself. If my current boyfriend ever decided he wanted kids down the line, we'd break up as well. They say 'never say never'...I do.

I'm sure I was born this way, not sure *why*, but sure I was just born as someone who'd never want to have kids.

Hope that helps =o)Childfree women and satisfied?
My body is always trying to get pregnant, I think that's why I have such a high sex drive. I'm also very good with children (maternal instincts?) and I have wide hips and I feel hornier when I ovulate. I was basically made to have children, the only thing that could stop me is my brain. Everything else falls into place. I think that's also the case with most childfree women. Their brain stops their body and their instincts/urges from having children. It's not a good thing or a bad thing, it just is what it is.
Like one other poster said, when I am at my most rational I definitely don't want children. When I see my little cousins running around with chocolate on their faces screaming bloody murder and I see the strain they put on the marriages of my parents, I want to be as far away as possible. Also, the whole process of giving birth to me seems quite scary and the idea of having a living being inside my stomach for 9 months makes me very uneasy.

However, the idea of having children is in many ways appealing to me. One such way is that one day, those children will grow up and I will be able to (hopefully) see well adjusted, productive members of society that I, with a little help from a very special male friend, helped to create. And it might be selfish, but I would love to carry on my family and I wonder what they would look like.

But I can go 50/50 on this topic, so...
Pft, I'm a man, and even I can feel a fairly strong desire to have the pidder patter of little feet at times. I suppose it's just part of being a sexually mature adult.

There's a lot to life, so no one thing is really ';the only thing';. Still, I think not having children would be rather unsatisfying as it's a powerful biological mandate to reproduce.
I'm in my twenties and the thought of having children or getting married (which, as I'm told by married friends, is very similar to having children) is outlandish and horrifying. I love being single and childless.

Plus, something about being pregnant is just kind of gross to me. The idea of having something in your belly moving around gives me the creeps.

Yeah, so it's not a totally natural thing. I might have kids one day. Maybe I'll adopt. But I could see myself being perfectly happy as an auntie for the rest of my life. Or a spinster. Think of all the free time and money I can spend on myself and my friends!

I hypothesize that if having children wasn't so beaten into us by the dominant social script, I probably wouldn't have any desire to reproduce at all. Maybe you still would, but I don't think I would. And whoever says it's because we're ';sexually mature'; can go take their evolutionary psychology pseudo-science and shove it. Last time I checked, boinking didn't mean that baby was on the way anymore. Oh condoms and birth control, my lovely friends!

Actually, boinking is a heck of a lot easier to do without the logistics of children.
The biological clock is there whether you want it to be or not. Most women I know have experienced the same thing. I did. It was a struggle until I had my first child and I went thru the same feelings until after my third. I didn't hear the ticking after that. if you don't want children then you will just have to ignore the ticking.
I'm still very unsure of the whole kids thing. When I'm at my most rational I don't want children at all, but I can't help but feel like I might someday change my mind when I hold a baby. I honestly think that it's something we're wired to want, but the way that we've been raised and our own intellect can often tell us otherwise. So, yeah...I can relate.
Yes, I do feel that way from time to time.. But I know it's just my hormones doing their job, so I can ignore it. My brain is in charge of my body, not the other way around.

You know what you want (and what you don't want) out of life. Stick to your goals, and you'll be glad you did.

AW, that's very encouraging :).
Yes, for a while I really wanted to have a child and then slowly the desire just I enjoy my nieces and nephews and send them home when I'm tired of being Auntie...You'll eventually grow out of the feeling your having at least I did.
i'm not a woman but the only thing i can say about this is: if you can have children, than why be selfish about having your own children naturally? what are you afraid of? many women can't have children of there own.
I wanna be a father, but you are right, no one wants to be pregnant..

There are states in some countries in Europe that are going to stop being states because there is no young population, everyone is old!
No. I've been childfree for three years and I've never felt a biological urge to feel differently. Maybe you're just feeling your period coming on.
Nope, never wanted any and never had any.

Exactly like the lady wearing the nice shoes above me.
  • eye shadow
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