Sunday, January 17, 2010

Are childfree people very territorial when it comes to kids and parents?

Ok, I don't want kids, so you could say I'm childfree. I'm very territorial because I think if kids set foot on my property, they would break my personal possessions, and parents would judge me based on my status.

Are a majority childfree people very territorial to kids and parents? Are they really nervous around kids? And do most kids break things?Are childfree people very territorial when it comes to kids and parents?
My husband and I are happily childfree. We have 3 beautiful kitties, but because of them... well, let's put it this way. There is a saying we had growing up, ';You can have cats, or you can have nice things.'; So, if something breaks, I'm not usually torn up about it.

I am; however, protective of my cats when my nieces visit. The 3 year old is a complete terror, and chases my cats all around the house. She is too rough with them, so I don't wan her touching them. My sister-in-law used to try to get me to bring one out (from where ever it went to hide in peace) for her to ';play with,'; but I would just tell her my cats are free spirits, and it they want to stayed hauled up under my bed that's the way it's gonna be. I think it irked her, but I don't care. I'm not gonna let some kid hurt my babies.

The other day they talked about maybe getting a puppy. They said, ';We think Jenna would like a puppy.'; Without even thinking, I replied back, ';Yeah, but would a puppy like Jenna?!'; Oh, did I get a dirty look from her!

**And, for the most part, when I'm out in public, I try to avoid kids as much as possible. If I'm at a restaurant, and they have tables away from kids, I'll specifically ask for one of those.Are childfree people very territorial when it comes to kids and parents?
I dont think its being territorial, I think it;s just viewing children and the lack of discipline they are often displaying, differently. I personally don't care for children, they make me uncomfortable and I can;t imagine having one of my own even though i am of child bearing years (20's) I just can't do something that permanent, but mostly its out of concern for a future child; the world is not a nice place for the young. I dont want my child to suffer the way I did for something stupid as not being ';attractive, for example.'; I guess it comes from being abused by other children, this fear I have..

So I understand. But it's not that they are monsters that destroy property, its their lack of morals and respect for others that bothers me, and the only one to blame for that is the parents....
we are childfree for a few more months (until aug). This will be our one and only child...

I am a proud aunt and I am not very territorial to kids or parents but I do expect my friends to make their kids to behave while they are at my house...

Kids are kids and remember that you were once kids as well..If you are childfree and don't want kids around your house I suggest that you have friends that are childfree as well..
i think it's the same for people with older children...i have 2 teenagers and i cringe when my friend's bring over their little ones...not saying i don't love my friends kids because i do but my house is not child friendly anymore...i don't think that i need to put everything up in my's my house...i remember what it was like to have little kids and i remember what my house was like when they were little..i take alot of pride in my house and how it's your stuff and you have the right to feel territorial of your worked hard for it...
My husband and I don't have kids. We're not territorial, but we have rules for our nieces and nephews here. Like no jumping on the furniture or the beds and don't touch certain things (like radio knobs, electronics w/out asking) etc...I think basic rules a parent would even have for their kids.
Nah. I'm not territorial, but yes, I am very uncomfortable around kids and babies. Not for the fact that they break things, but just by being around them. I guess that's why I'm childfree by choice.
What's wrong with birds?

Ok, you can block me now.
Yes, Yes and Yes.
Do you not remember what it was like to be a kid?

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