If you are childfree what makes you sure that you are happy with your decision? Also how old were you when you decided that you did not want children at all?Would you choose to live a childfree life?
I love being childfree. I decided I did not want children when I was about 15. I had a vasectomy when I was 21. I am now 42.
How do I know I am happy? I can just ask any of my friends. I look not a day over 30. Not many men can say that. I am in better health than most fathers who are my age. I do not have issues with proving my manhood like many of my friends who are fathers.
I have a lot of stamps in my passport. I also have a lot of hobbies that my friends who have children could never consider.
I have known a lot of childfree people. None have ever made mention of regrets. It is far better to regret not having children, than to regret having them. I know several people that regretted having them.
The only thing you might find difficult is the fact that a lot of people with judge you by their own standards. You will be called a lot of rude names.Would you choose to live a childfree life?
I became very spiritual and started to read books by celibate nuns and it made me want to stay childfree. I started to see the life cycle as suffering and felt that by producing a child I would be inflicting suffering onto the child like I've been through myself. But I am aware that this is a negative view. I also don't feel that I am a totally balanced adult able to bring the best to a kid.
I am bisexual and prefer women and that contributes towards the choice too.
I dont have kids, however, the only way I wont have children is if this world was a dreadful place all over and the life of that child would be miserable, but i can imagine that now.
I see having a child as and important part of life, a chance to pass on what i have learned and to enjoy seeing a child live and learn like i did before them. Not to mention all the fun that comes along with it and learning.
I say everyone to thier own!
I would think, to ensure you made a good decision is to think hard about the pros and cons and not to judge children i.e. their annoying and so on, because you never know what your child would be like.
I am giving it some serious consideration. I don't want to be known as somebody else's mom- and that becomes my primary identity. I want to be known as myself. then there's the fact that you have to drag them everywhere, change diapers, constantly buy them stuff that you find annoying, be bugged by them for the first 18+ years of their life when they ask you for things.... I don't think that I want the responsibillity that comes with being a parent.
My parents had my youngest sibling when I was 11 years old. I was old enough to care for him, but not old enough to have one of my own. It was good birth control for me in high school and since then.
I'm 33 and now just giving the issue some serious thoughts. Just because I have the parts doesn't mean that I have to use them. It's a social expectation that a woman- especially a married woman- will have kids. Even if the world thinks that you would make a good parent, that doesn't mean that you would be a good parent. I think I would resent the life changes that comes with being a parent. I want a life of my own, not to try to fix my life by having a child, or the constant worry about some little child that I've got to care for. While I don't have kids, I know that parenthood isn't all that it's made out to be.
Have you read any books on the issue? I would suggest reading these two books: Childfree and Loving It! The Mommy Myth Both are good books and interesting reads.
No, I want to have kids. Not yet, I'm only 18, but I definitely want them some day when I'm married and can afford the little darlings =)
Erm, I can't explain why tbh. I think it's just one of those maternal instincts.
I think some women might not have those instincts, financial reasons might play a part, not finding the right man, the responsibility that comes with children, or just that they have fertility problems and don't want to adopt. Lots of reasons but yeah, I do want them so I can't say for definite - it's just my opinion =) x
Having children isn't for everyone. You know yourself best. If you choose to live a childfree like you probably know that you wouldn't have the patience it takes, and wouldn't be a good parent. It's a very responsible decision to make if you choose to do so. There is way too much child abuse/neglect in the world already.
Im 27 %26amp; the oldest of 6 children, my mum went to work %26amp; i ended up looking after my brothers %26amp; sister in particular the youngest 2 i got them ready for school took them to school picked them up cooked dinner did washing got them ready in the morning etc %26amp; as a result i don't want any of my own i guess i kind of feel like i've done it but i was never that interested in being a mum myself i've been with my partner for 8 years now %26amp; neither of us plan to have children although i guess that could change, he says he would never want to bring a child into the world we live in.
We have a cat %26amp; a dog though %26amp; that's enough for us!
Probably not, because having children is pretty much the whole point of being alive in the first place. But I will wait till I'm about 40. Many would say that's too old but when the kids are 20 I'll be 50 and still not retired with another 2 decades ahead of me. It's the perfect age to have kids. Lets you built up enough savings to raise them properly and more importantly you can enjoy the decent half of your lfie without them.
I am currently child free %26amp; have known I didn't want children since I was about 17 years old. Several years have passed %26amp; my fiancee %26amp; I have agree that children aren't in our future. I have seven nephews %26amp; my fiancee has six nieces, so we sort of dote on them and don't feel the need for more children in our lives. Being an aunt since I was four made me a mother growing up %26amp; guess I feel like there is no longer a need for motherhood since I sort of experienced it so young.
My best friend got pregnant when we were 15. I've known since watching her go through that, it wasn't for me. I'm 33 and married and I get a lot of challenges from other people about why I don't want them. Truth is, when someone tells me they are pregnant, my first reaction is to feel sorry for them. Even when I know they are excited about being pregnant, I really can't help but question their motives (to myself). It seems MOST people don't have kids because they really want them-they have them because they think either think they SHOULD or because they can't think of anything better to do with their lives... I am proud of myself for being child free and thinking outside the box.
Never met a man who was good enough to marry and have kids with. Whomever I marry will be for life not just a few years so is a big decision. I am now late 30s so doubt I will have children. They are fairly expensive and all I have to do is go the local shopping centre to see how glad I am not to have any!
I am but 20 years old and am so far convinced that I would enjoy a child-free life. Unless I know I can overexceed any finacial expenses that a child brings, I would not want one. They are expensive, and a life-long committment that I can not see myself being prepared for, at least not anytime soon!
I am childfree. What makes me sure I'm happy with my decision? Going to Wal-mart on a Saturday. : ) The thought of having to deal with kids 24/7 gives me severe anxiety.
I was about 13 when I decided I didn't want kids. Over 30 years later I haven't changed my mind.
I am not child free. I was scared to take the step into parenthood but I have never regretted it! I do respect people who recognize that they are not parent material though.
My children are grown now and I spend a lot of time with my young nephews who are a lot of fun. Some people are called to be parents and others are not. Follow your heart!
I would not have it any other way. The idea of having a baby inside me makes me want to throw up. I never had to decide. I always knew. I know I am happy because I know that I am not going though all the turmoil that my friends are.
I wouldnt mind, it would make you more free.
But when im about 30, i want to have a two children.
I'll have a free life till then.
I didn't get to decide. It was decided for me. God would rather give children to people who are unwilling to care for them properly.
don't be shock when i tell u this if u want to have a child free life ask your partner whether he or she is happy with your decision
i had made this decision at 12
it depend on u whether u happy or not
I want kids. 2 boys and 2 girls.
I don't think kids should go without brothers and sisters, I would be really bored without all my brothers.
If I had my time over again, yes I would live child free because all I have ever had from my 21 year old daughter is grey hairs and grief.
children are irritating
NO! I love having my children. I am the most content I have ever been.
no, i like children =). i think i'm gonna be an awesome father...
my parents also know about ur question.....lol
it will be cool so you could get away with every thing and you could be a little girl or guy forever
My kids tick me off on a daily basis. I couldn't imagine how bored I'd be without them.
No cause children inherit the earth after where gone!
i wants kids and i am 12. i think they would be soooo much fun.(i love babysitting)
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