Is it alright for a childfree man to despise women who want children because he has little dating opportunities? I would like a wife someday, as long as she never wants children.
PS: And please don't give me this ';You sound young'; or ';You'll change';. I'm not young as I sound to you.Is it ok for a childfree to dislike women who want children?
Up till about a year ago, I had absolutely no desire to have kids, not that I wouldn't make a good mom, but I went more googly eyed over a cute kitten than someone's brat running around being a nuisance...SO, if we'd met 5 years ago, I'd have been quite happy saying I didn't want kids...things change...would we get divorced because now I feel different, and feel that my life could be enriched by bringing a baby into the world?
That's not to say you won't find a woman who really doesn't want kids and who won't change their mind, but then I hope you are shopping in the 35 and up aisle, because I believe that that age-group in general will stick to the ';no kids'; rule if they have managed to stick with it through their 20's and early 30's.
Also, I can't see why you don't date a wide variety of women anyway, it's not like you are going to marry all of them, so just have fun in the meantime instead of blaming women who want to have kids on your inability to get dates... and wouldn't you have to date a woman a few times before finding out her thoughts on kids - or is it your opening line? ';Hey baby, if you're barren, here's my number'; - perhaps that's the reason for lack of leg over.Is it ok for a childfree to dislike women who want children?
Honestly if you do not want children then just do not have any. As for the fact that you don't like people because they have children or they want children that is flat out ridiculous. Every where is people who want or have kids. All I can say is when you have found some one who does not want kids and willing to stay with you hold on to her because there is not much people like that. I honestly don't know any.
Of course it's ok, it's a good thing that not everybody wants children or we would be more overpopulated than we are now! and you are right, they are a lot of responsibility and a lot of people don't think about that.
I'm sure there have to be women that don't want children, just need to be patient until the right one comes around.
Sure, it's your prerogative to like or dislike anyone you choose... for whatever reason you like. I recommend proceeding with caution when searching for a mate, though. You may miss out on opportunities with some awesome women who wish to remain child free because of your negative attitude. Having a preference is great, but having a chip on your shoulder is not very appealing.
Mad Man...Yes it is Wrong for you to Hate someone for the most primal drive known to man or woman...the desire to reproduce is the strongest urge ever created, So you are hating her for being human. It's Fine that you don't want to have children, and there may be someone out there for you..I really hope you find her...BUT you need to change your attitude toward Women or You will find yourself taking that long walk of life Solo.
You should try an online dating service, most people specify in their profile if they want kids or not, that way you can weed out the ones who do.
Don't despise the ones who do. They're just women who like kids. They are not terrible people.
Good luck in your search..
Is it OK for me to despise guys like you? Not really.
Children make me so happy that I don't quite give a d... about thoughts like yours. I don't despise you though.
Live and let live is the motto.
You have a right to your opinion. Your feelings are fine as long as you don't make the women who want children feel bad for wanting them.
It doesn't matter if it's okay or not. That's a really dumb reason to dislike a person.
no its not ok
No, that's a selfish reason to despise people. Sure, dislike someone for rejecting you based on the fact you don't want kids, but don't do it to everyone just because they feel the same way. I'm sure there are women out there who don't want children. Heck, you know there's some out there who CAN'T have children who would be happy that you don't want any, so there's no feelings of insufficiency. Just keep looking for your perfect woman, I'm sure she's out there somewhere.
no, that would be like us despising you for NOT wanting kids, its a choice we all make and you need to get over it and realize most people, especially women want a child at some point, and thats fine, but its also fine for those who dont, i mean, would it be ok if i told you you were a selfish ,egotistical a$$hole for NOT wanting kids? no, i dont think so ( and i dont think that btw, its just an example) so why should it be any different just because i am one who did decide to have kids? we all have to find someone with common interests when we are looking for a mate, this is just one more issue to be dealt with.
with an attitude like this (extremely narrow minded and judgmental) id say not wanting children is the least of your problems getting a date.
No, it isn't ';ok'; for you to despise women who want children anymore than it is for those women to despise you for not wanting any. It is your decision to search for a woman who doesn't want children, no one forced it on you. No matter how old you are, it doesn't prevent you from sounding childish for being angry at others for a decision or lifestyle you choose to search for.
It is beyond time to realise the choice you made to search for a certain type of woman will obviously narrow down your options considerably. I don't disagree with your choice - I myself do not want any children and finding a like-minded female is tough - but being bitter about it towards others is not healthy. Furthermore it even sabotages relationships; while not all have to be romantic, who knows? One friendship could become a catalyst to meeting that certain someone who fits the bill.
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