Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why do so many parents think childfree are miserable?

Honestly what have we to be miserable about? For you the happiest days in your life are the days your children are born. For us, the happiest days are the days that our children are not born, and that is every day!

What do I have to be miserable about? Oh, is it all the stamps in my passport, or is it the photographs I have taken around the world? Is it the fact that my sports car is paid off and still in warrantee? Maybe it is because I can’t think if a good place to go on my third vacation this year? Maybe it is because so many people who are 10 years younger than I say dumb things like “Wait until you get to be my age”.

Honestly the only thing that makes us miserable is standing in line at the grocery store while your children act up, and being labeled “Communist”, “Gay”, or whatever else you chose to call us.Why do so many parents think childfree are miserable?
I know exactly what you mean. Another thing that annoys me is when ignorant people make comments like, ';People without children are probably barren and unable to have kids, so they say they don't want them to cover for it.';

UNTRUE! I am NOT barren, but I have known since I was 15 that I did not want children. And I have never once waivered on that, or even said ';I might have a child if...'; It has always been ';No, I do not want children. End of story.';

I enjoy my freedom way too much.

And how about the parents who really believe that EVERYONE finds their children ';adorable'; even as they are acting like brats and screaming in restaurants?

Edit: LMAO at the ignorance of some of the responses. I guess some people with kids just aren't smart enough to make a point without insulting. There is NOTHING selfish about not wanting children, it is a choice, like anything else.Why do so many parents think childfree are miserable?
It is a choice. Everyone has to decide what is best for them. I do not believe me life could be fullfilled without at least one child. However, I have friends that are married and have decided not to have kids. They are happy with their choice. I am happy with mine. All that I ask is that those that have children, should take good care of those kids. Do not have kids and think that it is someone else's respomsibility to raise them.
there is nothing wrong with being childfree just like there is nothing wrong with having children also plenty of people with children do the same things as you not everyone chooses to have children when they are poor
wow you sound ignorant and materialistic, and not to mention jealous deep down inside. guess you couldn't find a woman who was willing to birth your genetically cursed spawn
Big Ditto! I have no kids and I am in my late thirties....THANK GOD I have no runts.

Parent types are just jealous cuz they miss thier freedom...awwww too bad.
Yeah my oldest sister and her husband are a child free couple - they're not depressed haha.
Well I don't think you are miserable, I have friends that are child free and they are perfectly happy. If I had it to do over again I wouldn't. I have friends that have 4 or 5 kids. They wouldn't do it over. I don't condemn people either way. If love children and want 10 then good for you. As long as you can support them. If you choose not to. Then it is no one elses business but yours. I have 2 that were both drug addits, one isn't now, but left with problems and one I don't know where he is. The Joy of Children missesd me. So live your life as you choose and don't listen to people who tell you that you need children to be happy. If people call you names or whatever they are probably envious of your freedom. I am I just am not going to call you a name.
Maybe it's because we have such great happiness with our kids we wish it to others. I don't think childless people are miserable I just think they are missing something...Their choice.

By the way some of us people with children also travel the world, We go on vacation about four times a year, yeah it gets more expensive but I wouldn't enjoy a vacation without my kids. We don't have a sports car, nor do we care to have one, but we do have three cars, two of them paid off. I have about four passports filled with stamps of the places I've been.Too bad some places don't stamp your passport anymore. I love to collect those stamps.

But thanks for not having kids and leaving the space for ours! Also are you going to be buried with your sports car and everything else you own?
For some people, it's happiness that can't be bought. For others, like yourself, happiness can be bought. I like being a parent. I do sometimes wonder if I've been selfish, bringing my beautiful daughter that I love so much into a world like this - where she could possibly be killed by some f*cking brain dead moron with a needle in one hand and a gun in the other, or some filthy pervert with getting a nut off on my little kid. But selfish or not, I've enjoyed every little smile, the smell of her hair when she was a baby, the first time she called me mommy, things like that. ALl those things you mentioned - passports, sports cars, things like that, they could never make me that happy. Not in that way. I just think of people who don't want to have kids is that they're either incredibly selfish and self-centered or shallow - making tangible, monetary things more important than things in this life that are priceless and that they probably wouldn't be good parents anyway and they know it and at least have the guts to let their blood line die out.

I've never outwardly called childless people *anything* until just now, because you asked. I never would, because some people just can't have kids, even though they might want them. That would be pretty cruel now, wouldn't it? But you're being a bit hypocritical with your rant - accusing people with children of calling you names while you're the one throwing it down.

To be honest, I'm glad people like you don't breed. Thanks for the two points.
Ok, so kids definitely aren't for you! Maybe many couples with children think your miserable, because you have no one to carry on your family name, make you fathers/mothers day cards/present, hug you and say that you are the best parent in the world, call you their hero, play baseball with, teach to speak/walk, give a piggyback ride and laugh about something only toddlers can laugh at.

Money isn't everything and just because you have the money to go on three vacations,(which is right about the amount my parents take my family on every year) and have a payed off sports car, doesn't mean your any happier than anyone else. Plenty of people, kids, parents and such who have never been anywhere but the town/state they live in are happy to be part of a family, and that makes them 100 billion times happier than you.

And I know a couple couples without children who are happy, but they don't rub the fact that they don't have children in other peoles faces, see, thats just stupid.
By all means, please don't have children. Snip that in the bud..if ya have to. Anything to refrain from passing on your genetic material and your attitude. You sound so dang happy now and gloatatious about your circumstances it would be a shame to hear you complain about ';little children';...especially your own. My best friend is 30, married and has no plans for ever having children. She knows she is too selfish and simply doesn't have the instincts toward it. Child bearing is just not for some people. There are plenty of peeps out there havin' kids that shouldn't. So I don't know who thinks you are miserable as a childless person...but next time they think you are unhappy...just tell them that if you had a child..that child would indeed be the unhappy victim of a barely tolerating, self centered and unilaterally indifferent parent. See how self sacrificing you will seem to others. Give up having kids for the good of the kids. Were you ever a kid? Juss wonderin'.
I agree.

Many are mortified upon learning that I don't plan to have children.

While I admit that with the right person, I may someday choose to adopt children, I doubt raising my own will ever appeal to me. It would need to be very important to my partner, in which case I would consider it.

I think the issue is that for many parents, their children are their lives. Upon entering into parenthood, they became friends with other parents. They change their home for their children. They change their lifestyle to be the ';perfect American family.'; Etc., etc.

For such people, life without children would be immensely difficult because, for all matters of functionality, they would have to re-learn how to live life. They would feel that they ';have nothing to do'; without children.

On the other hand, the childless are at no loss -- many simply can't imagine life as someone without plans to have children, but they'd be surprised. It's not bad at all.
well, i think only childfree couples that WANT children are depressed. and FYI, the happiest day is NOT the birth of the child, at least not for me, that was a painful, exhausting day. the happiest days are seeing your child happy, accomplishing goals, hugging you, just everyday. There is no greater feeling then the unconditional love that a young child has for their parents. Having children does not mean that you cannot travel, and certainly has no influence on whether you pay bills on time or not. I have two cars paid off, a 2003 and a 2004. why do you sound so angry? do you hate children? do you hate people who have them? who will take care of you when you get too old to function?

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