Yesterday, I asked my dad if he thinks people who never wants kids are selfish and he replied yes, for an old man.
With his way of thinking, a good woman is one who wants kids and would love their men the most. A childfree woman is no good and would only use men for sex and will not love them. This is from my dad's perspective. Does anyone believe this!?
I feel so brainwashed hearing him speak. Why do people always try to discourage the childfree with their words? Why does it seem that we have to go through so much? Does anyone really believe childfree women aren't open to relationships?Why do some people think childfree women are bad?
You're dad is from an older generation were being childfree is some kind of social abnormality. I myself plan to stay childfree and I like women who are childfree as well. What's the point of bringing more screaming kids into this world? I think it's a lot harder for women to be childfree because society expects them to be the natural mother and if a woman decides against having kids, people look at her and go like ';Huh?';
Don't allow you're self to be brainwashed. If you want to stay childfree, then there is nothing wrong with that.
EDIT: A woman who wants to be childfree is NOT selfish. In fact, I think she's making a responsible decision not bring an innocent child into this world if she knows she may not be a good mother. There are far too many children out there who grow up in abusive households or who are neglected by their parents.Why do some people think childfree women are bad?
Because the people who think child-free men and women are bad after a certain age in life, are a bunch of religious idiots.
Some people are more worried about a strangers life style than their own.
@Falzette: OK jack-***, how is someone who cannot physically have children possibly be selfish, and as for those who choose not to, isn't it unselfish for someone to make a responsible decision of NOT bringing an unwanted child into this world who will never receive the love and caring they need in order to flourish into responsible people with a good attitude towards society? I think I'm right and YOU'RE WRONG!
I don't feel that child-free women are not open to relationships. I think child-free women are responsible people who knew that maybe they weren't up for the task and decided not to do what everyone thinks they should do at the expense of the child's well being.
I have another question for you...
Why do single men think that single women with children are ';bad';? There's a stigma towards single moms and I think that's wrong, too.
Only you can allow or prevent the effect of your father's words and opinions. He is old, and unlikely to change his mind, so discussing such things is pointless.
Most people have children with no thought, or accidentally, and it's the children who suffer.
Decide what YOU want out of life, and find someone who shares your views. The opinions of third parties shouldn't be an issue.
Personally I believe, as a Christian, that God guides in each one of us in the choice of if we should marry AND if we should have children. Some of us are able to do God more service in being single, depending on the talents and personality He has given us. And in the same way, some of us are able to do God more service by NOT having children and some do more service BY having children.
I am married, God has lead me to marry, so far He has not lead me to have children. I might want to have children someday, but only if God wants me to and leads me in that direction.
I think the logic uses is incorrect. I happen to have no children. Does that mean I'm not open to relationships? No, of course not. I just refuse to bring a child into this world unless I'm in a serious relationship with a man who wants to be a father. As of yet, I have not met such a man. I will remain child-free until I do.
I am child-free and 30. I am in school. And, I don't have the time for a romantic relationship. I make time for family and firends, but sometimes I neglect them and not call them. But, we eat dinner as a family everyday and sometimes I cook from scratch. What your dad said might be true to some extent and every woman differs.
I'm childfree, and have been in a very loving relationship for 14 years. Not having any kids gives us more time to spend on our relationship and on each other.
Your father, like many other people, simply cannot relate and therefore cannot understand.
What did you expect? Your dad is from an era in which childfree women were an aberration. It's a safe bet that he won't change any time soon.
I don't know why they think their bad. People have their reasons for not having Kids. Not having kids dosn't mean you don't love your partner.
It's just old-fashioned thinking
That way of thinking is dying out
that isn't true just because a woman doesn't want kids doesn't make her selfish. My aunt who is now in her late 50's never wanted children she loves them but has a very low tolerance for them and knew at a young age she would not make a good mother she always said for her to have a child it would have to be the best kid ever or she would beat it, so she choose to never have children.
Which is a good thing, she is very nice but would never make a good mom.
Any one who chooses no to have children have there reasons but it doesn't make them a bad person, your dad is just thinking the old school way.
You are your own person and can believe the way you choose to and not the way your dad believes every one is entitled to there opinions
I would guess that one of the reasons may be that those who are ';burdened'; with children envy the freedom and life-choices open to those who are not.
It seems to be a particularly ugly facet of human nature that drives people to want to destroy that which they envy but believe (whether rightfully or wrongfully) that they cannot have for themselves.
If they can't destroy it, then they will find some way to make it sound or seem less desirable - like thinkng ';Wealth just brings unhappiness.'; or ';There is fine line between genius and insanity.';
Personal freedom - in whatever form it may be found - is the most frequent and most virulently attacked target of this sickly and distorted consideration. That someone else may be able to enjoy a freedom that one lacks, him/herself, is totally intolerable to many people. And so we now have ';Selfish childlessness'; joining the list of psycho/social casualties of malevolent envy, right along with ';Unhappy wealth'; and ';Insane genious';.
If you and your mate choose not to contribute to the population explosion and live free from the burdens of child-bearing and raising, MORE POWER TO YOU! And it is NO ONE else's business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A lot of people don't take raising a child as seriously as they should. Theres a lot going on these days, and a womans role in society has changed on many levels. It was easy to have children in the past when women stayed at home, but this was not always what those women wanted to do with their lives. These days our society does not base their worth on whether or not they fulfill biological objectives. These days we respect a persons ability and right to do whatever they wish to do with their lives. Many men/women understand that the lives they want to lead do not allow them the time or resources to raise children. Others simply don't want children. This is a very personal matter, and there is a plethora of reason why one could fall on either side of the fence. To say that a women who does not want children is incapable of love is both inaccurate and offensive to many. In fact, theres many men looking for women just like that. Would you call a female astronaut selfish simply because she does not have the time to accomplish her goals and be a mother at the same time? What about a female soldier who does not want to risk getting killed in combat with children that need her at home? And yet these people can be just as (or arguably more) capable of love than any one of us.
This is a very old fashoined way of thinking. I am 29 and have no kids. I think the most selfish thing I could have done is to have a bunch of kids I can't support. Not to mention I am not married and the kids would all have to be from different fathers.
So I finished college, got a degree and waited until I met someone worthy. Then I decided to wait until I got married.
Most of my friends who had kids are single parents who are trouble making ends meet. Some thought getting pregnant = getting married but none are.
The only married friend that has a kid got married FIRST.
The majority of guys I know will not date a woman with kids. Most were never married, some have kids by more than one man to boot.
Some guys I have heard like to use single mothers. They are usually in need of attention and busy with their kids so they don't have to see them all the time or call them alot.
My things have changed.
I don't think childfree people are bad. But I strongly disagree with the attitude that so many of them have towards children and parents, and particularly families with more than one or two kids. According to some of them, I am a baby machine because I am gestating baby number 3. And I am a ';breeder'; because I love my kids more than anything except hubs, and I chose to not have a career so I could raise them myself. I really dislike that attitude because it's a crappy one, and is based on a lack of experiential knowledge about what it's like to be a parent. They don't know that good parents are *supposed* to love their kids more than anything. But whatever. It's up to them. I think that choosing not to have kids so that you can spend your life focusing on pleasing yourself is a selfish way to live, but it's still way better than having the kids and still focusing on pleasing yourself, and letting the kids grow up neglected and unloved. That would be far worse, so in that case it's probably just as well that they don't have kids. Make sense?
yes they are would life be if this would be one would want to have kids, everyone would want to be alone, we would be bitter because there would be no one to take care of ourselves ecept for nurses who dont care about you because they are doing their job
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