Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Couples and individuals who are childfree do you get a negative reaction . . . .?

from others when you tell them that you will not be having children ?Couples and individuals who are childfree do you get a negative reaction . . . .?
I don't know why most everyone thinks if you are a woman you must want children, and that there is something seriously wrong if you don't. I see no reason a couple that decides they do not want children are tagged as missing out on something.

When you stop and think about it, you began to wonder why there aren't more people making that decision. Children start out expensive and the expense grows in proportion to their age. If you don't have the connections or the money to get them into a top pre-school your pegged as cheap. When they do start school you have to make arangments for someone to be there to care for them until you get home from work. Your seen as not the best mother if your career is demanding and long hours. Very little of this spills over to the male, but even they get ';the look'; from friends that do have kids. The one other thing that no one tells you when you have a child your life as you know it is over. You have to prepare to go any where, as baby's they need diapers, clothes change, wipes, plastic bag to dispose of the diaper. You also carry, baby powder, lotion, toys, food, bottles, toys, car seat, and a stroller, it takes a half hour to get everything together to leave. Then there's the feeding in the middle of the night, the baby monitor you lay awake listening just in case. A friend calls a says, lets do lunch, your tired, the baby's cutting teeth and royally cranky so you pass on it. By now your wondering if you will ever have an adult conversation again.You get the picture. The best answer if someone ask you when are you planning to start a family, simply ask them ';Why would you ask such a personal question';, then change the subject. Of course there are some that won't stop then you just have to be more to the point, saying something like. ';I don't think that is any of your business.'; That normally works.Couples and individuals who are childfree do you get a negative reaction . . . .?
well i want kids when i get to myy late 20's so i think i'll have kids somedayy
My advice to you is to not tell them. I am not being sarcastic...I am being real. If they ask you say that you don't want to talk about it or you would rather not say. That is your right. Of course you being secretive in this way will just make them more curious but make them suffer. :) as time passes and they see no children and as your wife hits menopause, these fools will soon realize that it ain't happening. But by then, they will have found another young couple to harass.
I did when i didn't have children......but i can see why individuals don't have any now that i have 3 of them...I would hate to have a baby without being 100% about it...
I am childless and people have always kinda looked at me strange when I tell them that I don't have children. They act as though something is wrong with me for not having a child, but my life is mine to live the way I see fit and I'm happy with my decision. If it's your decision not to have children, it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks.

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